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Disability Info & Disability Related Links

Disabilities & Genetics Info
Doctors, Hospitals and Research Centers
Marfan Web Sites & Articles

I have been disabled since 1998 because of back & knee injuries and I also have a connective tissue disorder called Marfan Syndrome. Hopefully some of this information will help others who are disabled, who have Marfan syndrome or have a family member with Marfan Syndrome.

Dr. Bonner is the treating physician for my back and knee pain that I currently live with.

Disability, Disabilities & Genetics Info

Adult Loss of Hearing Association (ALOHA) - ALOHA is a non-profit community organization in Tucson, Arizona that provides services for hard of hearing and deaf adults. Typically, these adults lost hearing in their preschool years, after learning language, or lost hearing in later life due to illness, aging or environmental factors.

"The mission of ALOHA shall be to establish a support system for individuals with acquired deafness and/or hearing loss and their families ensuring their participation in the mainstream of life."
* Also check out their Let's Loop Tucson program and help spread the word!

American Chronic Pain Association - The title says it all! Offering support and information for people with chronic pain.*

disABILITY Information and Resources - Created and Owned by Jim Lubin. This is a wonderful site with numerous links to disability related web sites. by Tim Moore - Applying for social security disability and SSI benefits, with or without an advocate can be difficult due to how long a claim may take and the high chance of being denied. But those who are denied disability can win benefits by utilizing the appeals process. To increase the chances of winning, applicants should learn about the system and file an appeal when a claim is denied.

The purpose of this site is to distribute information that, typically, is impossible to get from the person taking your claim for SSD and SSI benefits. In essence, applying for disability and SSI benefits might as well be a secret process since Social Security does not try to make this information clear or even understandable.

Statistically, seventy percent of all SSD (a.k.a. SSDI) and SSI claims, represented or otherwise, are denied at application. What does this mean for ssd and ssi applicants who are disabled and need help? That they should follow this advice tip: learn everything you can about the benefit approval system to better your chances of winning, with or without the help of a disability attorney or lawyer.

The information, tips and advice presented here can help you understand: 1) How to apply for benefits with the Social Security Administration, 2) How the SSDI and SSI system works, 3) What SSA doesn't tell you about the application and appeal process, 4) What you can do on your own as a disabled applicant to help your case, 5) When you should consider getting a disability advocate, representative, or attorney and 6) What you should never do that might potentially harm your case.

This is simply the information you should be able to get from a representative at the Social Security Administration, but almost never will.

If you suffer from a medical, psychological, or psychiatric impairment and have initiated or been denied on a social security disability, or ssi, claim for benefits, this site may assist you with your case.

This looks like a LOT of wonderful information that Tim Moore is sharing on his web site, but I do not know anything about Tim and suggest that you use caution if you decide to use his "Free Case Evaluation" form.

Dolan DNA Learning Center - The Dolan DNA Learning Center (DNALC) is the world's first science center devoted entirely to public genetics education and is an operating unit of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, an important center for molecular genetics research.* - Positioning or using your computer improperly can lead to various injuries, from the short term discomfort of headaches to potentially debilitating conditions like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.'s assembled the world's foremost experts to provide free information on computer-related health and safety. Developed through the joint efforts of nearly a dozen leading ergonomists, physicians, and physical therapists, is the premier source for computer ergonomics.*

Housing & Mortgages for People with Disabilities article @ - This guide has been created to help individuals living with disabilities, and their family members, in the process of buying a home of their own. Here you can learn more about the five important steps in buying a home and about financial assistance programs that are available for you living with disabilities, who want to buy a home.

After reading this guide to home ownership for people living with disabilities, you will know more about:

  • The advantages and disadvantages of buying a home

  • The most important steps in the home-buying process

  • Common terms related to home-buying

  • How to get started in your quest to purchase a home

  • Financial assistance geared toward enabling you living with disabilities to buy your own homes
  • *

    AmyS sent me an e-mail with a link to this resource suggesting I share it with others. Thank you for the link Amy!

    MedBioWorld - With 25,000 links, Medbioworld is the largest medical reference site, including all medical journals and medical associations, and similar resources in the biological sciences. Links include 6,000 medical journals in 80 subspecialties, and the home pages of 4,000 medical associations. Other research tools include medical glossaries, disease databases, clinical trials and guidelines, and medical journals offering full-text articles. We invite organizations to link to MedBioWorld or its sub-pages.*

    The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, a Center of Excellence at the University of Miami School of Medicine, is the world's largest, most comprehensive research center dedicated to finding more effective treatments and, ultimately, a cure for paralysis that results from spinal cord injury.* Lots of great information on this site and a large list of links to other related sites as well.

    Michael Micallef - Blind Computer Instructor - Welcome to my homepage. My name is Michael Micallef, I am a totally Blind Computer Instructor and at present I am working as an Administrative Support officer with MITTS-FITA Foundation. This page is the first one of its kind in Malta that is completely designed and maintained by a blind person.

    My current job is to train blind and visually impaired in the usage of computers for leisure or productive work. I also provide telephone support during office hours and technical help to the blind and visually impaired in the home.

    I'm doing my best to make this page as Speech Friendly as possible. I believe in equal accessibility.

    Some of my hobbies includes: computers, tandem cycling, chess, listening to the radio, long walks, swimming and reading.
    * He too has an awesome collection of links to various disability web sites, mostly related to blind computer users.

    National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) - Resources for Adults with Disabilities - Our publications are designed to serve the needs of students, their families, and the professionals who work with them. Once a student leaves high school, other agencies are available to assist with putting the individual in contact with helpful resources.

    We have prepared this listing of resources for adults to help you get started. Look over this list, and you will find organizations that provide information, referral, and/or direct services on: employment issues;

  • postsecondary education;
  • recreation;
  • accessibility and accommodations;
  • assistive technology that can help persons with disabilities function more effectively at home, on the job, and in the community; and
  • independent living.

  • While there are many other organizations available that provide information or referral, they primarily do so to parents, schools, or service providers; we have chosen the organizations listed here because they can respond to the questions, concerns, and needs of individuals with disabilities themselves. A brief description of each organization's activities is included to help you choose those organizations that seem appropriate to your needs.

    National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases - The mission of the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases is to support research into the causes, treatment, and prevention of arthritis and musculoskeletal and skin diseases, the training of basic and clinical scientists to carry out this research, and the dissemination of information on research progress in these diseases.*

    National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives (NOSSCR) - Established in 1979, the National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives is an association of over 3,300 attorneys and paralegals who represent Social Security and Supplemental Security Income claimants. Our members are committed to providing high quality representation for claimants, to maintaining a system of full and fair adjudication for every claimant, and to advocating for beneficial change in the disability determination and adjudication process.* There are lots of links to various disability related sites!

    SOCIAL SECURITY ADVISORY SERVICE - Note: SSAS offers information about Social Security and its programs, but is not affiliated with the Social Security Administration (SSA) or any other agency. Please see our Disclaimer for more details.* There are many great links and information on this site as well!

    The National Pain Foundation - An on-line education and support community for persons in pain, their families and physicians. Your source for treatment options and pain information that is peer reviewed by leading pain specialists.* Check out their Consumer Guide to Options for Managing Chronic Pain, Tips for Dealing with Your Pain, and Types of Back Pain.

    Your Genes, Your Health - A multimedia guide to genetic disorders.*

    Your Orthopaedic Connection - American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

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    The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons provides education and practice management services for orthopaedic surgeons and allied health professionals. The Academy also serves as an advocate for improved patient care and informs the public about the science of orthopaedics. Founded at Northwestern University as a not-for-profit organization in 1933, the Academy has grown from a small organization serving less than 500 members to the world's largest medical association of musculoskeletal specialists. The Academy now serves about 24,000 members internationally.

    Members of the Academy, called fellows, are orthopaedists concerned with the diagnosis, care, and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. The orthopaedist's scope of practice includes disorders of the body's bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. Fellows have completed four years of medical school and at least five years of an approved "residency" in orthopaedics. In addition, they must pass a comprehensive oral and written examination, be certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, and submit to stringent membership review processes prior to admittance to the Academy.

    Find an Orthopaedist - AAOS does not track its members by specialty. However, members may elect to categorize their practice to the specialties listed below under Practice Demographics.

    This page allows you to search for a member by last name and optionally first name, city, state, zip code, and country. You can also search by a combination of fields.

    The percent sign, '%', can be used as a wildcard character in the search. As an example, 'sm%e' in the last name would return last names beginning with 'sm' and containing an 'e' in any other place in the last name.

    You must enter either a last name, city, state, zip code, or country to perform a search.

    *These sites have been quoted directly as I believe what they say about their sites or they already know what to say, better than I do.
    These names and logos belong to and are copyrighted or trademarked by the site owners.

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